Coumduff (3), Annascaul, County Kerry

Cup-and-Ring Stone (lost):  OS Grid Reference – Q 58 04

Archaeology & History

Judith Cuppage (1986) reported that in 1953 a Mr Adams of the County Kerry Field Club, when he was checking out two recognised petroglyphs in this locale (Coumduff [1] and [2]), his attention was brought to this, previously unrecognized carving,

“which lay against the bank from which it had previously fallen.  It was decorated with numerous cup-marks, at least one of which were enclosed by circles.”

For some reason, Mr Adams didn’t give any good directions as to its whereabouts and as a result, since that day in ’53, it hasn’t been seen since!  The likelihood is that it lays somewhere either in-between, or at least pretty close to the other two carvings.  If there are any explorers in that neck o’ the woods who might know where it lies sleeping, please let us know so we can bring it back to life, so to speak.


  1. Cuppage, Judith, Archaeological Survey of the Dingle Peninsula, Oidhreacht Chorca Dhuibhne: Ballyferriter 1986.

© Paul BennettThe Northern Antiquarian

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Brackloon (1), Annascaul, County Kerry

Cup-Marked Stone (lost):  OS Grid Reference – Q 6014 0226

Archaeology & History

A cup-marked stone that was reported at this position in the 1940s by the Kerry Archaeological Survey (KAS) had disappeared by the time Judith Cuppage (1986) wrote her survey.  She told that “there is no visible trace or local knowledge of the” carving.  It may well have been destroyed.  Seemingly KAS made no notes or sketches of the site. (WTF?!?!?)


  1. Cuppage, Judith, Archaeological Survey of the Dingle Peninsula, Oidhreacht Chorca Dhuibhne: Ballyferriter 1986.

© Paul BennettThe Northern Antiquarian

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