We Need Your Help!
For over 10 years, The Northern Antiquarian has been one of the best sources of information on megaliths, local folklore, myths and legends for researchers and academics. Presently, our database consists of nearly 2000 site profiles with nearly 1000 unpublished works in the background, waiting to have the final notes and images added.
Our work is used in many publications and websites, and researchers from around the world have accessed our site and used the information therein. In addition to academic research, our profiles are used by many people including the curious, the tourist, authors and anyone who has an interest in ‘all things ancient’. And as any casual reader of our site profiles show, they are meticulously researched and, where possible, are visited and their present conditoin described.
Doing all of this is a helluva lot of work – and 98% of it is done by one person, on a very low income it has to be said. Behind the scenes though, there are several volunteers that enable us to visit sites and, more importantly, to discover previously unrecorded ones. And we do this with considerable regularity, without any help from archaeologists or professional bodies of any kind. We are, in effect, entirely voluntary in our discoveries and writings.
All this work is provided freely, with no charge, unlike some sites where you are required to become a paid member in order to access information. Our love of the subject has kept it free, and we will do our best to maintain this freedom as long as we are able. However, maintaining a large site such as this does cost money, and in order to provide this free service we are losing out financially.
We are therefore asking for your help in maintaining TNA, which is starting to creak under the weight of it’s own success.
A simple donation from you can make a big difference. Primarily it will allow us to considerably expand our database and add many more sites. It is hoped that if we can raise enough money, we can begin to pay writers who contribute detailed site profiles to the website. Donations can also help pay for books to further our research; website maintenance; including office heating and lighting, and phones.
Anything you can give will be greatly appreciated, and will go towards our goal of keeping TNA free to everyone.
Thank you very much!
Paul and the Team