Fenny Shaw Cup-Mark, Bingley Moor, West Yorkshire

Cup-Marked Stone:  OS Grid Reference – SE 11271 43565

Also Known as:

  1. Carving no.112 (Boughey & Vickerman)

Getting Here

Close-up of 'cup-mark'
Close-up of ‘cup-mark’
Fenny Shaw Cup-Marked Stone

Follow the same directions to reach the Big Rock carving.  From here walk less than 100 yards up the slope, veering to your left and where you reach the rushes (Juncus grasses), walk up and keep your eyes peeled for the singular upright rock.  Or as ‘Redkiteyorks’ said, go “up the slope 82.4 metres, 54.5 degrees(True) from IAG108 (Big Rock).” It aint hard to find really…

Archaeology & History

Another stone mainly for the purists amongst you.  Little has been written on this possible carving.  Boughey & Vickerman (2003) said simply:

“Large rough rock. Two possible cups on top and one further possible cup on W vertical face. Doubtful”.


  1. Boughey, K.J.S. & Vickerman, E.A., Prehistoric Rock Art of the West Riding, WYAS: Leeds 2003.
  2. Hedges, John (ed.), The Carved Rocks of Rombald’s Moor, WYMCC: Wakefield 1986.

© Paul Bennett, The Northern Antiquarian

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